Welcome to your Healthy & Sustainable Food Choices LibGuide! Look on the Padlet for your informed action statement, and use the sources below to help you support your claim.
An informed action means an action that's based on reliable information. Information from our databases is usually reliable, because the articles have to be edited by experts before they are published. Articles found on websites, though, are not always edited. You need to evaluate the website before you use it.
Pre-searching: not sure what terms or keywords are associated with your topic? Try World Book and Wikipedia to get background information before you dive into research & note-taking:
World Book Student (database) | Wikipedia (website) |
Researching: once you have a basic understanding of your topic terminology, use the links below to find database & website articles that provide information to support your claim:
Gale: Middle School (database) | Google (search engine) |
Middle School Resources and Services |
Mid-Pacific Website | MyPueo | Library Homepage | HS Database Page | MS Database Page | NoodleTools | Turnitin | MLA Formatting