ELEMENTARY DATABASES Thanks for taking a look at our databases! Chat with a teacher or librarian if you need to use these at home because you'll need a username & password.
BrainPOP | Britannica |
Explora (campus use only) |
Scholastic Go! | World Book: Student | World Book: Kids |
ELEMENTARY WEBSITES These search engines should find websites that are age and reading-level appropriate for all our students! |
Kiddle | KidRex |
Searching for Images? Try out the links below!
Swiggle | Kiddle Images | Kidzsearch Images |
Use these custom search engines to find websites for specific assignments:
TEACHERS! Want more? Let us know what your inquiry plans are here!
Mid-Pacific Website | MyPueo | Library Homepage | HS Database Page | MS Database Page | NoodleTools | Turnitin | MLA Formatting