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Middle School Database Page: Science

EBSCO for MS/HS - Science Reference Center

Access to a wealth of full-text, science-oriented content including more than 280,000 high-quality science images.

Facts on File - Science Online

Presents a broad range of scientific disciplines via essays, videos, diagrams, definitions, biographies, and experiments.

Gale Virtual Library - Science/Environment

Search for relevant Gale science eBooks at the Mid-Pacific Library.

EBSCO for HS - Green File

Well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. 

EBSCO for HS - Health Source: Consumer Edition

Health resources on the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. 

Mid-Pacific Website | MyPueo | Library Homepage | HS Database Page | MS Database Page | NoodleTools | Turnitin | MLA  Formatting